Monday, February 12, 2007

Ashley Treatment in Grey's Anatomy

Last week, I posted about the controversial Ashley Treatment. In their blog, Ashley parent's have argued that the procedure also insures her against cancer, pneumonia etc. I just recalled an episode of Grey's Anatomy (yes, the doctors and interns on the show actually have time to look at patients too!) in which a woman wants a mastectomy and hysterectomy because she is afraid that she will get cancer. Agreed, this was a TV series, but what if it happens in real life? Does this mean that any body part that one can live without should be removed in order to prevent disease? Would I do the same if I was told that I had a high possibility of cancer? Would you?

1 comment:

AI said...

Ashley's parents concern is valid, even though it doesn't sound morally right. I know at least a couple of families who has done this back in India when i was growing up but it was kept secret. Especially when it comes to girls, no one wants them to be molested....